Goals & Objectives
Everyone needs fresh water to live, but fresh water is limited and precious. Science can help conserve this natural resource. The goal of FreshWaterLIVE is to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of fresh water, while encouraging youth to take an active role in protecting and conserving freshwater resources.
The objectives of this program are to:
Learn about the water cycle and watersheds.
Learn about the importance of conservation and stewardship of fresh water, which is a limited resource.
Learn about the role of citizens, public land management agencies, and other organizations in protecting and conserving fresh water.
Learn about how water is moved and highly managed in the West.
Learn how you can take action to conserve and protect the water in your hometown.
To watch videos about fresh water and watersheds:
CLICK HERE to watch a 47-minute video that follows water on its journey through a watershed in the Eastern United States.
CLICK HERE to watch a 24-minute video, produced by the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, highlighting watersheds in Colorado and featuring Carl Chambers, a U.S. Forest Service hydrologist, and Bob Raynolds, a geologist with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Travel from the headwaters in the mountain peaks, through the protective forests, into our cities and countryside, and ultimately to the sea.
- CLICK HERE to watch a 43-minute video taped live at Grand Lake, Colorado, featuring questions from students and answers by Carl Chambers, a U.S. Forest Service hydrologist, and Bob Raynolds, a geologist with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.