Thanks to the partners, sponsors, organizations, and friends that have made FreshWaterLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure possible. They include:
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science envisions an empowered community that loves, understands, and protects our natural world.
Prince William Network (PWNet) is a part of Prince William County (Virginia) Public Schools and provides quality, distance-learning opportunities to students, educators, and communities across Virginia and the nation. PWNet is a leading provider of live, electronic field trips for students and has won numerous national awards. Electronic field trips bring the excitement of learning to remote places with the ability to connect with experts.
Engaging in NatureWatching activities leads to greater personal connection to the environment and the natural resources we all share. Participating in NatureWatch events across U.S. Forest Service National Forests and Grasslands is a good way to get started, and include celebrating special days such as: Earth Day, National Pollinator Week, National Fishing & Boating Week, International Migratory Bird Day, Endangered Species Day, National Get Outdoors Day, Water Awareness Day, and the many festivals, camps, bioblitzes and events hosted by the U.S. Forest Service on public lands.
Reconnect your family with nature. Discover a forest or park near you!
The Natural Inquirer is a middle school science education journal! Scientists report their research in journals, which enable scientists to share information with one another. This journal, The Natural Inquirer, was created so that scientists can share their research with middle school students. Each article tells you about scientific research conducted by scientists in the USDA Forest Service.